
Town Twinning Action Between Turkey And The Eu Grant Scheme (TTGS)

Town Twinning Action Between Turkey and the EU Grant Scheme, aims at strengthening sustainable structures between local administartions/authorities in Turkey and EU Member States, was announced on 4 January 2018.

With a total budget of 2,6 m. euros, the grant scheme provides support for projects aiming at developing town twinning relationship between local administrations/authorities in Turkey and EU Member State and strenghtening their roles on the EU accession process.

Minimum 60.000 and maximum 130.000 euros will be granted for the jointly developed projects of municipality, special provincial administration, union of municipalities other than UMT, governorate and district governorate in Turkey and local authorities in EU Member States.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 09 March 2018 at 17:00 hrs (local time).

For detailed information please see the following web sites:

Ministry for EU Affairs (www.ab.gov.tr/51069_en.html), Central Finance and Contracts Unit (www.cfcu.gov.tr) and Europaid (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome )  

Information meetings on this call for proposals will be held. For the exact dates and locations of the information meetings, please follow the Ministry for EU Affairs (www.ab.gov.tr) the CFCU (www.cfcu.gov.tr) websites.